Staffing Services

Staffing Solutions
AU & Associates Inc. is a leading provider of staffing augmentation services. We provide for all of your staffing requirements be it temporary, contract and/or permanent placement needs. AU & Associates offers you highly qualified and experienced professionals that can immediately blend into your organization, project or development team.
Reduce Internal Recruiting Costs
The cost of maintaining an internal staff of recruiters is very high. Add to that the cost of assessing job boards, advertising, screening, testing, etc and the cost can run into thousands and thousands of dollars for each and every hire. Further, if the company makes a wrong choice, the cost explodes to several times the initial numbers. AU & A maintains a large and industry leading staff of professional recruiters with the latest tools and resources to maximize the entire process as well as your return on investment. We find the right resources for you at a fraction of the cost.

Better Skilled Resources
AU & A has access to literally thousands of qualified resources. Thus, we can provide the resources with the skills you need, when you need them, for any project. AU & A is also adept at locating resources very quickly for those urgent requirements; often in less than 24-48 hours. Lastly, AU & A can find resources for those short term requirements as well.

Reduce Overhead Cost
When you hire temporary or contract resources, you don't have to deal with payroll, social security, unemployment or any other benefit issues. We handle all of this overhead for you.

Try Before You Buy
AU & A offers a contract-to-hire option. This allows you to contract a resource for 3-6 months before deciding to hire permanently. This greatly reduces the risk associated with hiring the wrong resource.

Quality Resources
AU & A takes excellent care of its consultants. As a result, our consultants typically work with us on a very long term basis. When we provide you with a resource, we know that they are highly competent and have successfully completed assignments with other clients. You can rest assured that you are working with the best available resources in the business.

Lower Fees
AU & A's fees for permanent and contract staffing are almost always lower than industry averages. Our streamlined recruiting process and access to internal company resources worldwide have helped us to reduce the cost of hiring and we pass this savings on to you.